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Modifying the Absence or Payroll %


Applytoeducation Team

If the absence % is edited to zero, this will trigger a change request to signal to HR that the absence record is no longer required.

If the payroll % is edited to zero, this will trigger a change request to signal to Payroll that the replacement record is no longer required.

Step 1: Click the Edit button beside the employee record.

Step 2:  Deselect Auto-Populate and select Other in the Absence % drop down. Enter Zero and click OK.

Step 3:  Deselect Auto-Populate and select Other in the Replacement % or Hours drop down. Enter Zero and click OK. Click SAVE at the bottom of the page.

Note: If the ASN/Charge code is edited, this will trigger a change request to signal to Finance that the ASN/Charge code has been modified.

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