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Registering for PD Events


Applytoeducation Team

Employees use their PD Catalog to register for PD events and sessions.

  1. From the PD & Events section, the employee clicks on PD Catalog to view the list of PD events available.
  2. The employees click Register for the PD event they want to register for.

  1. On the ‘PD Event’ page, the employee selects which session they are registering for and clicks REGISTER or REQUEST APPROVAL for events which require supervisor approval before registration.

Note: If an absence is required, the following page is the absence creation screen where they would enter their assignment and any relevant assignment details and Save their absence. If supervisor approval is required before completing registration, an email is sent to the supervisor regarding the request and the employee will receive an email once their supervisor has approved their request to attend the session. Once approved, the employee can resume with completing their registration through the PD Catalog.

4. A confirmation email is sent to the employee and their supervisor/administrator once they have registered for a PD event.

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