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Updating Your Application for a Job You Already Applied To


Applytoeducation Team

If you want to add information or make changes to your Portfolio

Your portfolio is a live environment, so any updates you make to the Portfolio will be visible to the employer even after you've applied.

You can add additional documents by going to Portfolio > View & Edit Portfolio > Supporting Documents. Refer to Uploading Supporting Documents page for detailed instructions.

For assistance with other Portfolio sections, visit the Completing Your Portfolio section.

If you want to update a custom resume or cover letter for a specific job you’ve applied to

You can update your custom resume or cover letter if the job posting is still active.

Once the job posting has closed, you won’t be able to make changes to these documents.

To update your custom resume or cover letter for a job posting you applied to, please follow these steps:

  1. Click on Job Postings > Jobs Applied To.
  2. Select the position you applied for, which will bring up a page.
  3. Scroll down to the 'Job Posting Résumé and Cover Letter' section.
  4. Click Select File under Resume or Cover Letter document to upload a newer version of your resume or cover letter. This will replace your previous resume or cover letter.
  5. Click SAVE at the bottom of the page.
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