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Setting Up or Editing Occasional Preferences in the ApplyToEducation App


Applytoeducation Team

1. Open the ApplyToEducation app.

2. Tap the menu button (3 horizontal lines) in the top left corner, then tap Occasional Preferences.

3. Select Contact Preference: Tap the EDIT button next to CONTACT PREFERENCE.

You will always receive email notifications but can select one additional method.

4. Select Assignments: Tap Select Assignments under ASSIGNMENTS/LOCATIONS. Check the box in the Willing column next to the assignments you are interested in, then hit Save.

5. Select School Locations: Tap Select Locations under ASSIGNMENTS/LOCATIONS and you’ll see a list of school locations in alphabetical order. Check the box in the Willing column next to the schools you are interested in, then hit Save.

You can update your Occasional Preferences at any time.

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