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Setting Up a Job Alert


Applytoeducation Team

1. Log In: log in with the employer you would like to set up a job alert for.

        • Make sure you’re in the right position/job category for the jobs you’re interested in.

TIP: If you wish to receive alerts from multiple school boards, log into your general 'ApplyToEducation' account.

2. Go to Job Postings: Go to Job Postings > Search Jobs.

3. Filter Your Search: Use the 'Narrow results by' section on the left to filter your results.

        • For instance, place a checkmark next to “Teachers, Principals and Superintendents”.

NOTE: You cannot select filters for positions that do not currently exist. For example, you cannot filter by “Elementary” schools if there are no elementary postings.

4. Add Keywords: If applicable, use the search bar to include specific keywords for your alert.

5. Update Your Search: Hit the green Update button to bring up your search criteria.

6. Create Your Alert: Give your Job Alert a name under ‘Get Jobs Sent to You’ (located at the top right side of the screen) then click Create Alert.

7. Activate Your Alert: Check your email for a job alert activation link and click the Activate Alert button. The email will be titled “Confirm email address for Job Alerts”. If you can’t find it, check your Junk/Spam folder.

8. Receive Notifications: You'll get job alert emails the morning after new positions are posted.

Setting up an internal/occasional job alert

Log into your account with the school board you are employed with, then go to Job Postings > Manage Job Alerts. You will be able to click on the applicable checkbox to activate your internal/occasional alert.

Setting up an external job alert as an internal/occasional employee

If you are setting up an external alert for the school board you are employed with:

  1. Turn OFF the ‘Display internal/occasional postings’ button, which will display the external postings.
  2. Follow steps 3-7 above to set up a job alert.
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